
Disrupting the Car (with Horace Dediu)

This week’s episode of the Ride AI podcast is a mind-meld between automotive analyst Ed Niedermeyer and tech-innovation scholar Horace Dediu about why the car industry is ripe for disruption. Their conversation is a reflection on the transformative power of past innovations like computers and phones, and the need to imagine a better future for mobility.


Together Ed and Horace discuss:

  • The concept of unbundling the car for different trip types and purposes, similar to computing devices
  • Observation that the world seeks to improve cars, but they are already highly optimized
  • Critique of current approaches by companies like Tesla and Apple, which aim to fit new technologies into the existing car model
  • Emphasis on the need for truly disruptive innovation in mobility, either through cheaper, more accessible options or new directions of competition
  • Discussion on the potential for self-driving technology to transform mobility by enabling new experiences and connections
  • Examinations of the challenges of building an EV that is both cheap and has extensive battery range
  • Why investors are over-focused on cars as a platform at the expense of other autonomous driving use-cases, like agriculture, defense, and transit.